
hpunix (63) marathi kavita (52) linux (21) solaris11 (11) AWS (5) numerology (5)

Thursday, December 30, 2021

How to check ZFS snapshot

How to check ZFS snapshot

ZFS snapshot:

A snapshot is a read-only copy of a file system or volume. Snapshots can be created almost instantly, and they initially consume no additional disk space within the pool. However, as data within the active dataset changes, the snapshot consumes disk space by continuing to reference the old data, thus preventing the disk space from being freed.

Command to check snapshots

1. zfs list -t snapshot

Snapshots can be destroyed using below command. 

1.  zfs destroy <snapshot name> 


Kumar Jadhav

Friday, September 3, 2021

/ mountpoint increase in OEL (Oracle Enterprise Linux)

/ mountpoint increase in OEL (Oracle Enterprise Linux)

Below are the steps for increasing / mountpoint in OEL:

Step 1 :

Notedown the LV and VG details of / mountpoint. Here for root mountpoint we have mirror lvs LVDbSys1 and LVDbSys2. The size of LVDbSys1 is 30GB and suppose we are going to increase it by 6GB.

root@jk root]# lvs

LV                 VG      Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert

LVDbSwap1          VGJkDb -wi-ao----  24.00g

LVDbSys1           VGJkDb -wi-a-----  30.00g

LVDbSys2           VGJkDb -wi-ao----  30.00g

LVDoNotRemoveOrUse VGJkDb -wi-a-----   1.00g

[root@jk root]#

[root@jk root]# vgs

VG      #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize    VFree

VGJkDb   2   5   0 wz--n- <834.89g <549.89g

Step 2: Here the primary root disk LV is LVDbSys2, so will increase it first by using lvextend command.

[root@jk root]# lvextend -L +6G /dev/mapper/VGJkDb-LVDbSys2

Size of logical volume VGJkDb/LVDbSys2 changed from 30.00 GiB (7680 extents) to 36.00 GiB (9216 extents).

Logical volume VGJkDb/LVDbSys2 successfully resized.

[root@jk root]#

[root@jk root]# resize2fs /dev/mapper/VGJkDb-LVDbSys2

resize2fs 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)

Filesystem at /dev/mapper/VGJkDb-LVDbSys2 is mounted on /; on-line resizing required

old_desc_blocks = 2, new_desc_blocks = 3

The filesystem on /dev/mapper/VGJkDb-LVDbSys2 is now 9437184 blocks long.

[root@jk root]#

[root@jk root]# df -h /

Filesystem                    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/mapper/VGJkDb-LVDbSys2   36G   24G  9.8G  71% /

Step 3 : Now increase mirror lv of root ie LVDbSys1:

[root@jk root]# lvextend -L +6G /dev/mapper/VGJkDb-LVDbSys1

Size of logical volume VGJkDb/LVDbSys1 changed from 30.00 GiB (7680 extents) to 36.00 GiB (9216 extents).

Logical volume VGJkDb/LVDbSys1 successfully resized.

[root@jk root]#

[root@jk root]# resize2fs /dev/mapper/VGJkDb-LVDbSys1

resize2fs 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)

Please run 'e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/VGJkDb-LVDbSys1' first.

Step 4: While doing resize2fs on secondary root lv, the command is saying to run e2fsk on the secondary root lv.

[root@jk root]# e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/VGJkDb-LVDbSys1

e2fsck 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)

Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes

Pass 2: Checking directory structure

Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity

Pass 4: Checking reference counts

Pass 5: Checking group summary information

/dev/mapper/VGJkDb-LVDbSys1: 111758/1966080 files (0.1% non-contiguous), 5772289/7864320 blocks

Step 5 : once it is successfull, run resize2fs command on LVDbSys1:

[root@jk root]# resize2fs /dev/mapper/VGJkDb-LVDbSys1

resize2fs 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)

Resizing the filesystem on /dev/mapper/VGJkDb-LVDbSys1 to 9437184 (4k) blocks.

The filesystem on /dev/mapper/VGJkDb-LVDbSys1 is now 9437184 blocks long.

Step 6 : Now run lvs command, will see increase LV size for LVDbSys2 and LVDbSys1:

[root@jk root]# lvs

LV                 VG      Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert

LVDbSwap1          VGJkDb -wi-ao----  24.00g

LVDbSys1           VGJkDb -wi-a-----  36.00g

LVDbSys2           VGJkDb -wi-ao----  36.00g

LVDoNotRemoveOrUse VGJkDb -wi-a-----   1.00g

Step 7 : Note down the increase size of / mount point in df command:

[root@jk root]# df -h /

Filesystem                    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/mapper/VGJkDb-LVDbSys2   36G   24G  9.8G  71% /

[root@jk root]#



Monday, August 16, 2021

How to reboot ZFS appliance

 How to reboot ZFS appliance :

Below is the command to reboot ZFS storage:

Login to ak shell prompt and then run below command:

#maintenance system reboot



Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Flash disk replacement in Exadata

Steps to replace flash disk in exadata:

The exadata has the compute nodes and the storage/cell node attached to it. In case of a damage of the flash modules(fmod) on flash cards on Exadata cellnodes, the flash cache will not function normally and there will be performance problems.

Idenfify on which cell node the flash disk is failed. For the flash disk replacement we need to bring down the that particular cell nodes.

Login to compute node and check which cell node has faulty disk.

1. To know which cell node has faulty disk:

#dcli -g /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/cell_group -l root 'cellcli -e list physicaldisk'

2. After idenfifying the cell node then login to it.

#cellcli -e list physicaldisk --> to know whether normal disk is failed or flash disk is failed

You will see something like this

(FLASH_1_0 15557M04E3N warning - poor performance)

3. If flash disk failed then 

#cellcli -e list flashcache detail --> to know degradedCelldisks, effectiveCacheSize and status of the faulty disk.

4. Use cellcli utility and make all griddisks inactive from that cell node

CellCLI> alter griddisk all inactive

5. check the status of the griddisks:

CellCLI> list griddisk attributes name,asmmodestatus,asmdeactivationoutcome --> you will see offline status

6. Bring down the cell node.

#init 0

7. Hand it over the cell node for flash disk replacement

8. Once the disk replacement done and cell node is up then login to it and check disk status:

#cellcli -e list physicaldisk  --> you will see normal disk and flash disk status as "normal"

9. Check the flash cache.

#cellcli -e list flashcache detail 

10. Reactivate the griddisks:

CellCLI> alter griddisk all active

11. check status of griddisks

# CellCLI> list griddisk attributes name,asmmodestatus,asmdeactivationoutcome --> All should be online


Kiren Jadhav

Sunday, July 18, 2021

How to run sundiag on multiple cell nodes - exadata or SSC

 How to run sundiag on multiple cell nodes - exadata or SSC:

What is sundiag:

sundiag is Oracle Exadata Database Machine - Diagnostics Collection Tool which collects diagnostics information which help the support analyst in diagnosing problem such as failed hardware like a failed disk, etc.

In Exadata box or solaris supercluster (SSC) we may have multiple storage cell nodes attached. 

If we have 10-12 storage cells nodes then instead of login to each and every cells and collecting sundiag will be a time consuming task. By below one command we can run sundiag on multiple servers (passwordless ssh should be there from the compute node to the cell nodes).

1. on Solaris super cluster:

#dcli -g /opt/oracle.supercluster/bin/cell_group -l root /opt/oracle.SupportTools/

where # cat /opt/oracle.supercluster/bin/cell_group  --> will list number of cell nodes attached to the SSC machine

2. on Exadata servers:

#dcli -g /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/cell_group -l root /opt/oracle.SupportTools/

where # cat /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/cell_group  --> will list number of cell nodes attached to the Exadata machine

Thank U

- Kiiran B Jaadhav

Thursday, June 24, 2021

sar is not capturing logs in Linux

 sar is not capturing logs in Linux

sar (System Activity Report) is monitoring tools which monitors system performance like CPU/mem/IO utilization etc.

The sar captures data on every 10mins interval and the log files are getting stored under /var/log/sa. We can see files generated on every day basis and the log rotaion happens depending on cron set under /etc/cron.d/sysstat.

Supoose the log files are not getting generated in the /var/log/sa directory.

Check the sysstat service status and if it is not running then try to restart the service.

#service sysstat status --> to check service status

#service sysstat status --> to restart service


#sysctl restart sysstat


Kiran Jaddhav

Thursday, June 3, 2021

How to find serial number of cell nodes - Exadata or SSC

 How to find serial number of cell nodes:

In Exadata box or solaris supercluster (SSC) we may have multiple storage cell nodes attached. 

If we have 10-12 storage cells nodes then instead of login to each and every cells we can find out the serial number by using below command:

1. In Solaris super cluster:

#dcli -g /opt/oracle.supercluster/bin/cell_group -l root "dmidecode -s system-serial-number"

where # cat /opt/oracle.supercluster/bin/cell_group  --> will list number of cell nodes attached to the SSC machine

2. In Exadata servers:

#dcli -g /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/cell_group -l root "dmidecode -s system-serial-number"

where # cat /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/cell_group  --> will list number of cell nodes attached to the Exadata machine

Thank U

- Kiiran B Jaadhav

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

How to split big files in Unix

 How to split big files in solaris:

Sometime the log files is too large to send backend team for further analysis, in that case we break the files into multiple pieces using split command.

Whenever we split a large file with split command then split output file’s default size is 1000 lines and its default prefix would be ‘x’.

Suppose we want to send crash dump (vdump) file which is 2GB of size. We will break that file into 4 pieces of size 500MB.

In that case:

#split -b 500M vdump.24 = This will break vdump.24 file into 4 pieces of name Xa , Xb, Xc, Xd

If we feel aa ab are little bit confusing file names then better to give specific name at the time of spliting the file itself.

#split -b 500M vdump.24 vdump_11May2021_X = It will create new files of name vdump_11May2021_Xa ,  vdump_11May2021_Xb

If we want to split file into GB then we may use command something like:

#split -b 1G vdump.24 vdump_11May2021_1


#split -b 1024M vdump.24 vdump_11May2021_1


Kiren Jadhav

Friday, March 26, 2021

How to increase session timeout value in ILOM + solaris

 How to increase session timeout value in ILOM:

The session gets disconnected if it is unattended for more than 15-20 minutes, depending on setting done in your system. Sometime, at the time of patching we may face problem due to session 

timeout. So it is better to increase the timeout value from server or from ILOM.

Here we are increasing session timeout value for ILOM.

1. Login to ILOM from CLI and get the timeout value.

-> show /SP/cli




        legacy_targets = disabled

        prompt = (none)

        timeout = 20

In our case timeout = 20, that means after 20minutes the session will get disconnected if it unattended.

2. The timeout value indicates the number of minutes for session timeout (1–1440).

3. Here we are setting timeout value to 60 i.e. 1hour or 60min.

-> set /SP/cli timeout=60

Set 'timeout' to '60'

-> show /SP/cli




        legacy_targets = disabled

        prompt = (none)

        timeout = 60


Note : Setting a timeout value of 0 disables the timeout feature.

Thank U !

Kiran Jaddhav

Sunday, March 7, 2021

What is personal Year? - Numerology

 What is personal Year?

In this post will discuss and understand more about personal year like when it starts and when it ends and method to calculate Personal year.

What is Personal Year:

1. It is very straight forward that Personal year is nothing but individual's personal year, either that year will be beneficial/lucky or non-beneficial/unlucky for that individual.

2. By knowing the personal year we can predict whether the person will grow or suffer in that particular year. The personal year can be lucky or unlucky depending on the person's Driver (Mulank) or Conductor (Bhagyank).

Rules of Personal Year:

1. As per Chinese numerology (LoShu Grid) the Personal year start's from 6th February of calendar year. It will be like complete 12 months cycle for Personal year 2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8.

2. Personal Year 9 is considered as Audit year as it does audit of all 8 years so it starts from 6th February of calendar year but ends on 5th March of next calendar year , means personal year 9 is having 13 months cycle. This can be considered as most crucial and troublesome year as it does audit of past 8 years.

3. As Personal year 9 is having 13 months in it, due to this automatically the Personal year 1 will be having only 10 months. Hence Personal Year 1 will start from 6th March instead of 6th February.

How to calculate Personal Year:

For calculation will take DOB - 5/6/1983 

Driver = 5 and Conductor = 5

Current year = 2021

Personal Year = 5/6/2021 

                       = 5+6+2+2+1

                       = 7

So for this person the personal year will be 7 and which has started from 6th February 2021.

In a nut shell, this person is having Driver and Conductor 5, and 5 is not having any enemy number so 7 and 5 are like friends. 

Conclusion : For this DOB the personal Year 7 will be like a good/OK year.

Every personal year will have some plus or minus things, will discuss more in coming post.

Thank U !

Kiran Jaddhav

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

What is Kua/Angel number

 What is Kua/Angel number:

In Chinese numerology we find out kua number to know our lucky direction or location. 

This method is adopted in Indian numerology. Many Indian numerologist call it as Angel number or wish fulfillment number. 

The Kua number calculation method is different for male and female. Kua number will be calculated based on your birth year. 

Here we will take 1983 as birth year.

Kua Number For Male:

1983= 1+9+8+3 = 21 = 3

Kua Number = 11- (single digit of your birth year)

           = 11 - 3

           = 8

So all male who are born in year 1983 will be having kua/Angel number "8".

Kua Number For Female:

1983= 1+9+8+3 = 21 = 3

Kua Number = 4 + (single digit of your birth year)

           = 4 + 3

           = 7    

So all female who are born in year 1983 will be having kua/Angel number "7".

Use of Kua Number - 

1. Write kua number daily with green color on your left hand where your palm ends. 

2. Circle the kua number with green color so energy of that number will be stay within and will be helpful to you in your wish fulfillment. 

3. After writing the kua number show your gratitude by just saying thank you

3. In Vedic/Indian numerology we consider 2,4,8 numbers give you struggle, delay , health issues etc.        And if our kua number comes on 2,4 or 8 then also we have to write it on our left hand because we      consider it is sacred number hence it doesn't matter whether the kua number is 2 or 4 or 8.

Thank you !

Kiran Jaddhav

Thursday, February 18, 2021

How to enable disk locator on ZFS disk

 How to enable disk locator on ZFS disk:

Suppose there is disk failure on ZFS, we can make disk locator "ON" so the failed disk can be identified easily at the time of disk replacement.

Login to ZFS shell login prompt and run below commands:


ZFSC1:> maintenance hardware

ZFSC1:maintenance hardware> list

             NAME         STATE     MANUFACTURER  MODEL                     SERIAL        RPM    TYPE

chassis-003  1645HEN05Y   faulted   Oracle        Oracle Storage DE2-24C    1645HEN05Y    7200   hdd

Here for chasis (chassis-000, chassis-001, chassis-002 etc..) the disk status is showing as 'OK' and for chassis-003 it is showing status as 'faulted' so we can say one of the disk present in chasis-003 could be failed. 

ZFSC1:maintenance hardware> select chassis-003

ZFSC1:maintenance chassis-003> list





HBBLMSZFSC1:maintenance chassis-003> select disk

HBBLMSZFSC1:maintenance chassis-003 disk>

HBBLMSZFSC1:maintenance chassis-003 disk> show


          LABEL   STATE     MANUFACTURER  MODEL             SERIAL                        RPM    TYPE

disk-000  HDD 0   ok        HGST          H7390A250SUN8.0T  000555PJG4LV        VLJJG4LV  7200   data

disk-001  HDD 1   ok        HGST          H7390A250SUN8.0T  000555PJXALV        VLJJXALV  7200   data

disk-002  HDD 2   ok        HGST          H7390A250SUN8.0T  000555PGGRPV        VLJGGRPV  7200   data

disk-003  HDD 3   faulted   HGST          H7390A250SUN8.0T  000555PGHD0V        VLJGHD0V  7200   data

ZFSC1:maintenance chassis-003 disk> select disk-003

ZFSC1:maintenance chassis-003 disk-003> ls


                         label = HDD 3

                       present = true

                       faulted = true

                  manufacturer = HGST

                         model = H7390A250SUN8.0T

                        serial = 000555PGHD0V        VLJGHD0V

                      revision = P9E2

                          size = 7.15T

                          type = data

                           use = data

                           rpm = 7200

                        device = c0t5000CCA2608B17DCd0

                     pathcount = 2

                     interface = SAS

                        locate = false

                       offline = false

ZFSC1:maintenance chassis-003 disk-003> set locate=true

                        locate = true (uncommitted)

ZFSC1:maintenance chassis-003 disk-003> commit

ZFSC1:maintenance chassis-003 disk-003> ls


                         label = HDD 3

                       present = true

                       faulted = true

                  manufacturer = HGST

                        locate = true

                       offline = false

ZFSC1:maintenance chassis-003 disk-003>


Kiran Jaddhav

Monday, February 15, 2021

Rules For Setting Name Number in Numerology

Rules For Name Number in Numerology:

Driver means Mulank

Conductor means Bhagyank 

In modern numerology we consider 1,5 and 6 are luckiest numbers so we try to set name number on theses numbers only. But before doing that we have follow certain rules. I have given below the rules for setting name number:

Rule 1 : If 5 number is missing in your Loshu Grid (Numero-scope) then always and always bring your name number on 5 (like 5,14,23,32,41,50 etc..) Blindly we can follow this rule. 

            Reason : Because 5 is not having any anti or enemy number. 5 comes to center of grid and we call it as "Bramh-sthan" which gives balance or stability.

Rule 2 : If someone is not knowing his/her birthdate or there is some confusion in his/her birthdate then without any hesitation go for Name Number 5.

Rule 3 : If you have 1,5,6 number in your Loshu grid and your Driver or Conductor is not anti of 1 (like 8 is anti of 1) then taking Name Number to 1 is best choice. 

             Reason : More 1 is always best, because 1 number signify sun or king and all planets take energy from Sun. Repeating 1 numbers can give you fame and success. 

Rule 4 : If your Driver and/or Conductor is anti of 1 then you have to bring your Name Number for 5 and/or 6 . 

             Example : Suppose my Driver or conductor is 8 then taking name number on 1 will be a bad choice because 8 and 1 are enemy numbers of each other.

Rule 5 : If your Driver and/or Conductor is 3 or 9 then you have to bring your Name Number either on 5  or 1 and not on 6 number. 

             Example : Suppose my Driver or conductor is 3 then taking name number on 6 will be bad choice because 3 and 6 are enemy numbers of each other.

Rule 6 : If 5 and 6 is already in grid then avoid to Name number to 5 or 6 . (Will discuss on this in repeating numbers)

Rule 7 : Always check your Driver and Conductor common friend numbers. Avoid anti numbers of your Driver and Conductor ( 1 is anti with 8 or 3 is anti with 6 or vice versa) for setting your name.

Rule 8 : 99% avoid decreasing name spelling. 1 % scope is there, so if no other choice then Name number spelling can be decreased. Don't be rigid.

Rule 9 : Always try to correct your name. If not possible then touch surname.

Rule 10 : If you first name number is coming on 2,4,8 (which we consider struggling numbers) and full name number is on 1,5,6 then always write full name and never write only first name.                              Whenever you want to use your first name only better to bring it on 1,5,6 to use it.

Thank U !

Kiran Jaddhav

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Basic of LoShu Grid + numerology

Basic of LoShu Grid:

What is LoShu Grid?

  • LoShu Grid is a 3*3 matrix. Or in simple words, it is a magical square (Sacred square) which is having 3 rows and 3 columns. 
  • The Grid contains numbers from 1 to 9. The placement of numbers are shown in below picture:

  • The sum of each rows/column and diagonal is 15 (1+5=6). 

          eg. 4+3+8 = 15 or 8+1+6 = 15 or 4+5+6 = 15

                1+5=6 where 6 means Venus (Shukr - planet of money, luxury, materialistic things etc) 

  • Each of rows/columns/diagonal forms a plane . So there are 3 vertical planes, 3 horizontal planes and 2 diagonal planes.

        The Vertical planes :

            1. Thought plane 

            2. Will plane

            3. Action Plane

      Horizontal planes:

          1. Mental plane

          2. Emotional plane

          3. Practical plane

    Diagonal Planes (Very Important):

      1. Property plane/Silver plane

      2. Luck plane/Golden plane


Kiran Jaddhav